Version 3.0 for Windows and Mac
You must register first in order to download the full version. Once you register you will be directed to a link to download the full version.
Windows Directions:
- Select this link Register Online or the one below.
- Follow the directions on the next page.
- Once registered you will be redirected to the download page.
- Choose a directory you want the program downloaded to. I suggest creating a download folder. The file name you will dowload is called ETutor3.exe.
- Once downloaded, find the file and double click. An self-extract window will open. Click extract. (You can change the directory if you wish)
- Program will extract and create an ETutor directory with all program files in it.
- Go to the newly created ETutor directory. Double click the ETutor folder. You should see a folder called xtras. Do not remove or move any of these files, infact you don't even need to look in the folder. Also you will see the etutor3 application, a Readme file (read it) and a shortcut called Play ETutor.
- Drag Play ETutor icon to the Desktop. This will give you easy desktop access to the etutor3.exe program.
- Double click the shortcut or the etutor3 application to run the program.
Mac Directions:
File is self-extracting and will create a HD folder called etutor3.
- Follow the first three items above.
- Please be sure your computer meets system requirements .
- Open the etutor3 folder. Eutor3demo.pkg is the program file.
- Create an alias for etutor3.pkg and drag to the desktop for easy program access.
- DO NOT remove or alter any files in xtras folder.
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$18 US
Online registration/ordering is available through a secure server.