Demo Version 3.0 Mac
Released 6/19/00
You must have a expander program like Stuffit Expander to unpack this program. Once unpacked folder called etutor3demo will appear on the Desktop..
- Please see system requirements .
- Open the etutor3demo folder. Eutor3demo.pkg is the program file.
- Create an alias for etutor3demo.pkg and drag to the desktop for easy program access.
- DO NOT remove or alter any files in xtras folder.
Online registration/ordering is now available through a secure server.
Mail In Registration/CD Orders
Registration: $18 US
CD Orders: $28 US
Make Checks payable to:
Peter Serko
28732 Vashon Hwy SW
Vashon Island, WA 98070 USA
Include your email address.
All proceeds from the program supports expansion of this program, website and Orthodox causes.